Masters in Management (MS, MSM, and MM) – Healthcare Administration

A master’s degree in management focuses specifically on the skills students need to lead a management team in any industry. Most management degree programs allow students to specialize in one area, and if they are interested in medicine, one popular option available at many schools is healthcare administration.

Unlike a master’s in healthcare administration, most of the classes students take as part of a masters in management degree program focus on general management skills that can be applied to any situation, not just situations in the world of healthcare. Therefore, this kind of degree is best for students who are already working in healthcare administration and want to get an advanced degree specializing in management. If students have a background in management or business administration, having just the concentration in healthcare administration may make it hard to break into the healthcare industry, so they might be better off taking a more healthcare-focused course.

That is not to say that a master’s degree in management with a concentration in healthcare administration does not prepare students for working in the medical industry at all. Once students take general management courses, they are divided by concentration to take courses with others pursuing an education specific to healthcare. In these classes, students learn about the specific challenges in management in the world of healthcare administration. Coursework may also cover healthcare administration ethics and laws. The exact courses students take varies depending on the degree program they choose.

Once students get their masters in management with a concentration in healthcare administration, they qualify for advanced positions in the healthcare industry, which come attached to higher salaries, better benefits, and the ability to take on advanced responsibilities. Students can work at hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, healthcare insurance companies, research laboratories, teaching facilities, out-patient care companies, and many other types of employers with this type of degree.

Masters in Management – Healthcare Administration Degrees Online

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Directory of Health Administration Master's Degree Programs

The following masters degrees in health administration are available to earn online:

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