Masters in Health Administration (MHA)

A masters in health administration (MHA) is one of the most basic and common advanced degrees students can pursue if they are interested in leadership in the healthcare industry. Unlike an MBA or MM (Masters of Management) with a concentration in health administration, an MHA focuses purely on what students need to know to work in the world of medicine in an administrative role.

The classes students take as part of a masters in health administration course vary depending on the college they attend, but some of the topics they cover include technology, data management, finance and accounting, administrative policy, staff management and leadership, public relations, and ethics. Many MHA programs also have a classes that go over some of the most important laws that govern working in health administration. Often, policy is created in order to uphold these laws, and if students ignore them, their facilities could be fined thousands of dollars, sued by patients, or even shut down until the violation is fixed.

In order to start in an MHA program, students need to first have a bachelor’s degree in health administration or a related field. Doctors and nurses can also consider MHA programs in order to move away from practicing medicine and instead work in an administrative position in the field of healthcare. Some MHA programs require students to have experience in the medical industry or certain administrative certifications, while others accept students directly out of bachelor’s degree programs.

Most MHA programs take about two years to complete, and students can focus on specializations such as gerontology, health education, health informatics, health science, and more. Students can also work on their degree at night on an part-time basis. While this option takes longer to complete, it means that sudents can continue to work as they get an advanced degree. Some employers even pay for the classes if students work while they go to school.

Masters in Health Administration (MHA) Degrees Online

MBA in Health Administration Degrees Online

Other Health Administration Master’s Degrees Online

Featured Schools with Online MHA and Other Health Programs (Sponsored)

Directory of Health Administration Master's Degree Programs

The following masters degrees in health administration are available to earn online:

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